HNI Accounts & Tax Management Services like Engagement Start-up, Accounting Management, Tax Management & Compliance, Certification, Succession Planning
Engagement Start-up
Appointing a single point of contact (SPOC) for customized solutions while maintaining confidentiality
Liaisoning/ coordinating with bankers, brokers, mutual funds, portfolio managers, etc. for obtaining transaction statements
Obtaining comprehensive understanding of financial goals and analysing the related tax aspects
Accounting Management
Accounting of all the transactions undertaken as per the accounting practices prevalent in India
Assisting in audit of books of accounts, wherever required
Tax Management & Compliance
Advising on the planning/ structuring of various transactions to optimize the tax benefits available under various laws
Advising on the capital gains on securities, immovable property, gift taxation, tax exemptions claims, tax deductible investments etc.
Advising on tax aspects of cross border transactions
Obtaining lower or nil withholding tax certificates from the tax department
Assisting in tax compliances including timely computation/ payment of advance tax and regulations related to withholding tax
Preparing final computation of income tax and ensuring that all the benefits as available in income tax laws are considered
Preparing and filing of income tax return
Assisting in income tax assessments including filing of appeals with the concerned authorities
Verifying intimations received from income tax authority, filing rectification requests (if required) and assistance in obtaining refunds from the tax authorities
Assisting in estate and succession planning
Assisting in Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS) compliances
Professional Certification
Assisting in obtaining net worth certification or any other certification, as per requirement
Succession Planning
Assisting in family succession planning and business succession planning
Assisting in preparation of will
Assisting in preparation of trust
Assisting in making remittances outside India in line with the applicable exchange control regulations in India
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